RATIONAL to unleash the beginning of a new era

RATIONAL’s Markus Paschman invites professional caterers to attend the online unveiling of a new product category that will stand alongside the iCombi and the iVario

A leading supplier of equipment for use in commercial kitchens is planning to unleash the beginning of a new era at 3pm (GMT) on Monday 26 February. RATIONAL promises that it will once again  demonstrate its innovative strength worldwide.

Markus Paschmann, the company’s chief sales and marketing officer, together with colleagues fromthe  research & development and the project team, will preside over a world first during an online event, when RATIONAL claims that it will be unveiling something the market has never seen before - a new product category that will stand alongside the iCombi and iVario.

 Paschmann says: "The new product will be faster, more flexible and capable than anything we have ever developed before!"

To be amongst the first to learn how RATIONAL plans to revolutionise the world of professional kitchens,watch the free English-language keynote presentation online at: rat.ag/new-era

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